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We feel that wearing school uniform is an important factor in maintaining high standards and helping children to develop a corporate feeling and sense of pride and belonging in themselves and in their school. We, therefore, ask parents to co-operate by sending children to school in uniform, making sure that every item is clearly marked with the child’s name It concerns us that we have coats, jumpers, hundreds of ties that are lost, un-named and never claimed.

Children should be sent to school with sensible hairstyles. No child should attend school with dyed/colour sprayed hair or with shaved “patterns”. Pupils should have neat hairstyles, with long hair tied back and held with a plain elastic hair band in a single pony tail, bunches or plait(s). Hair ornaments, elaborate hair bands or decorations are not permitted.

Please read our uniform code below. Thank you.


We feel that wearing school uniform is important to maintain high standards and to help children develop a feeling of pride and belonging in themselves and their school.  We ask parents to co-operate by sending children to school in uniform as detailed below, making sure that every item is clearly marked with the child’s name.

We believe that wearing school uniform is important to maintain high standards and to help children develop a feeling of pride and belonging in themselves and their school. 



All our uniform is available to buy from

Sports and PE equipment:

 Children will need to come to school in their P.E. kit on their allocated P.E. days. Children also need a pair of trainers in school every day to be able to change into for Run The World, our school approach to the daily mile. These can be kept in a plastic bag on pegs. We are incredibly fortunate to have a swimming pool on site at MGJS and swimming forms our P.E. lessons, in the early autumn and summer term. 

PE Kit: 

  • Plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for games 
  • Green shorts  
  • House colour cotton T-shirts  
  • Track suits, preferably green, may be worn during the colder weather for outdoor games 


  • Boys – form fitting swimming trunks (not board-shorts)/ a one-piece swimsuit. 
  • Rash vests/ UV tops are optional 
  • Swimming hat (available from the school office) 
  • Goggles (optional) 
  • Towel 

We would also ask that:

  • No nail varnish to be worn in school at any time
  • No jewellery to be worn except for small studs in ears
  • Headbands should be green or black and minimal in size
  • No hair dye and haircuts to be appropriate for the school environment