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School Lunches

Well done to our caterers who have achieved the top rating of 5 after an inspection of the school catering facilities. 

  • This covers how hygienically the food is handled – how it is prepared, cooked, re-heated, cooled and stored.
  • The physical condition of the kitchen – including cleanliness, layout, lighting, ventilation, pest control and other facilities
  • How the kitchen manages ways of keeping food safe, looking at processes, training and systems to ensure good hygiene is maintained. 


  • Read more about our caterers and menus found here



It is great to see so many of MGJS children enjoying a nutritious hot meal that fills them up and gives them an energy boost for their afternoon lessons. The small amount of wasted food is a tribute to the catering teams wonderful homemade food. The food at MGJS is prepared fresh every day and represents incredible value for money at £2.80. We are very proud of the standard of food which we provide for our school community and the way in which we prepare it. Thank you for your support.


We are committed, as a school, to healthy lunches. Could you please ensure that your child’s packed lunch contains healthy options – there are a wide variety of choices available. Please do not include chocolate bars or biscuits. 

Please do not send any nuts or products

that may contain nuts into school with your children.

Parents do not have to pay for school lunches if they receive any of the following:

  • Income Support
  • income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • the Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190
  • Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after their employment finishes or after they start to work less than 16 hours per week

If you think you may qualify, please ask at the school office for an application form for free school meals