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Laura Wandrag

Laura Wandrag Parent Governor

I joined the Governing Body in April 2021 as a Parent Governor, just after my daughter, Lily, joined MGJS.  I always enjoy getting 'stuck in' and helping out where I can: volunteering for local groups like Infinity Space to Grow as their 'Bookings Co-ordinator', at MGIS - in classrooms and as part of the PTA and most recently as the Chair of The Friends of MGJS.   Being part of our wider community gives me a sense of belonging especially as I grew up in South Africa, so I am a long way from home.

I am a qualified PE and PSHCE Teacher but stepped away from the classroom shortly after my daughter was born - to run my own business, in 2015.  MAD Academy (running music and dance classes for under 5's in the local area) allowed me to change my focus and introduced me to local families and a different age group of children and so began the juggling act of being a mum, a wife, a Trampoline coach and running a business. In 2018 I slowed things down, with the birth of my son, Owen and enjoyed being a stay-at-home parent until I took up a position at a local Preschool.  I am currently working at Reigate School as a PAC (Progress and Achievement Coach) - supporting children within the classroom.

Away from school and work I enjoy spending time with my family and friends - relaxing in the garden having a braai (BBQ), watching movies, going out and about to various National Trust places, having a picnic or merely catching up over a cup of coffee, tea or glass of Prosecco.