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ELSA & Pupil Mentor

Social, Emotional and Mental Health Support at MGJS

It is important to remember that all of us have mental health, sometimes we have good mental health, sometimes we don’t. MGJS supports all pupils through SEMH at all levels from a few tears to more profound issues. Our training ranges from whole staff training from outside agencies - anxiety training from Child and Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for example - to specifically trained staff.

Ms Mariner & Miss O'Driscoll have been trained by Educational Psychologists to ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) level and are able to support and advise regarding a wide range of issues including; self-esteem, behaviour, anger management, loss and bereavement and anxiety. Sessions may be individually or in a group.

Miss O’Driscoll has also been trained to work with children and adults that are in need of some help with any anxieties, fears or phobias. She has worked in this area for 15 years now and is qualified in many disciplines such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy and coaching to name but a few. If children are referred then she will endeavour to see them as quickly as possible. Referrals are made by staff if they feel support is needed or you, as parents and carers, can refer directly. To contact Miss O'Driscoll directly please email

Ms Mariner is also the home/school link worker and can be contacted on