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At Meath Green Junior School, our Computing Curriculum is designed to instil a sense of curiosity, innovation, and digital literacy in our pupils, preparing them for the 21st century workplace. We recognise the dynamic nature of technology and aim to equip our students with essential skills that evolve with the technological landscape. Through a carefully planned progression, we integrate computing concepts into each year group's computing curriculum ensuring high levels of engagement with both knowledge and skill development.

Our approach includes understanding computer systems, programming, and digital literacy. We encourage practical exploration, fostering resourcefulness and creativity. Digital safety is integral, with dedicated lessons on responsible online behaviour and safety measures.

In line with a STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) approach, our goal is to cultivate logical thinking, algorithmic proficiency, online responsibility, and the confident use of various technologies. We aim to produce pupils who are adept at using hardware and software, capable of problem-solving, and well-prepared for the digital challenges ahead.


Computing at Meath Green Junior School is taught in discreet computing lessons but the incredible technology we have at our disposal (VR sets, laptops and iPads) are encouraged to be used to support learning throughout the curriculum. We use the NCCE Teach Computing scheme of work to cover the three areas of the computing national curriculum: 'Digital Literacy', 'Computer Science' and 'Information Technology'. Online safety is integrated into both computing, PD lessons and assemblies. Coding sessions involve programming, algorithm writing, debugging, and physical coding with Micro:bits and Crumble kits. Information technology emphasises key skills, digital literacy, and creative exploration, including image manipulation and data handling.

The curriculum is flexible, continuously adapting to technological advances, ensuring inclusivity for all students, including those with SEND. We also have Digital Leaders, chosen from each class, who develop their computer skills and online safety knowledge. These leaders become champions in the school, able to help other children and teachers navigate the digital landscape.

We run a Typing Club and a Coding Club for all children. These clubs provide additional opportunities for skill development. Each term, all pupils engage in Computing units, aligning with the National Curriculum expectations for their year group while building on previous skills and introducing new concepts side by side.


Our desired outcome is to produce highly computer-literate individuals capable of making informed online choices and being proficient in using diverse technologies. Students will grasp computational thinking, fostering logical and creative problem-solving skills.

The Computing Curriculum introduces potential career aspirations and equips students with critical software skills. Meath Green Junior School provides a stimulating environment with up-to-date resources, sparking excitement and awareness of the pervasive influence of computing in daily life.